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Dreamer and Doer

There were two best friends
Mr. Dreamer and Mr. Doer
The first was the thinker while the other was the eager
Both remained always with each other

Grasping the opportunities is what Doer loves to do
But losing it is what Dreamer often ends up to
They always clash in opinions in whatever they do
What Dreamer abhors is what Doer may pursue

Dreamer often questions
Why Doer has a lot of intentions
He’s indeed a man full of ambitions
Doer worked hard to buy a special thing
But Dreamer only wondered if he can afford something
Doer succeeds in almost everything
While Dreamer is left behind, waiting for nothing

Now who do you think succeeded in his life’s journey?
Is it Doer? or Dreamer who whims indifferently?
Mr. Doer is now happy and living blissfully
But Mr. Dreamer is just stuck in monotony

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