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3 women in a cafe

3 women in a cafe

This is what happens when 3 women of different generations are sitting respectively inside a cafe when suddenly, a handsome teenager sits right in front of them.
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If the woman (girl) is a teenager aged 14 to 19:
“Oh shocks! What a cutie! He is now my official 16th crush. I wonder if he is seeing someone now. Maybe, not. I better wave my hair and look approachable. Shall I smile at him? Oh, I might look desperate. Damn! He smells good too. Maybe I should strike a conversation with him. Why is my heart beating this fast? He might hear it! Where is my coffee now? Please Lord; make them slow down in making my coffee so that this cutie will spend more time with me”

If the woman is a young adult aged 20 to 35:
“The nerve of this boy to sit beside me without even asking my permission! Never mind that he is good looking. I’m afraid my office mates will think of me as a cradle snatcher if they will see me with him. I’ll just reason out that he is my cousin though I know they won’t believe me. Where’s my coffee anyway? I hope that they won’t take long in making it because if they will do, I’m going to find their manager and complain!”

If the woman is an adult aged 35 to 50:
“I hope this boy is not my daughter’s boyfriend. She will get pregnant early if she will fall in love with this handsome boy. Where is my coffee now? I promise that this will be the last time I’m drinking coffee and starting tomorrow, I will strictly follow my doctor’s advice. No more caffeine. period.”

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