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Why are some people judgemental?

I just don’t understand why those people who keep on making “okray” to other people are doing such thing.
We need a redefinition of terms here. Okray: To criticize and laugh at somebody just to appear superior and laughable. In English, to ostracise. To those people who do sarcastic remarks and idiotic critiquing of other people’s behavior and imperfections, what kind of life do you have? If you are good in doing such thing, why not look at yourself in the mirror? Instead of wasting your time slandering somebody, go back to grade school and review your GMRC subject. That is, if you had it.

Probably, what those mapang-okray people had are just “Good mimicking and right critiquing” subject. Maybe the reason why those sarcastic fellows are good in making such rude remarks is because they are afraid of revealing their own ka-okray-okray aspect. They can cover up the shame and laughable matters that they have by highlighting the weaknesses and imperfections of others. 

I admit, being a student-writer, I have received a lot of okrays from other people. Those words that I heard somehow transformed me into what I am right now. I would have appreciated their remarks if they are constructive but if their sole purpose is to make fun of somebody, I just ignore them because what their lips fail to speak, their image shows.

I remember the celebrity gossip writers, paparazzis and critics. They are good in sniffing out celebrity scandals and gossip. After such time, they reveal it to the public so as to cause brouhaha. They get to have enough money to lay food on their dining table out of scandalizing celebrities. In short, they make a living by destroying the image of famous people. Without these famous people, who gets to feed them? There’ll be no image to destroy, no titillation and no compensation. It’s like they are biting the hands of those whose existence gives them money.

So if you are gossiped, rumored or critiqued by someone, consider this thought for them “Without me, there’ll be no one to feed you, story for you, no thrill to your oh-so-dull life! So go on. If damaging my self-esteem and image is your enjoyment, at least it gives you life; which in the first place you never had. No wonder you barged into mine.”

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