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7 internet hate list

1. Spam - I hate it whenever I am busily browsing the web and suddenly a small window pops out, encouraging me to buy canned fish tuna or to avail the latest discount in the hotel of a country that I have never been to. Could there be anymore blatant and desperate, not to mention irritating advertisements than Spams?!
 2. Websites that require you to register and suddenly your e-mail is flooded with scams - Blame it on my wanting to be part of the "coolest' web community group or taking part in the too-good-to-be-true free web offer. The moment the gullible me gave them my e-mail address, there goes Mr. Shirpov, Abdul Katar and some prince from Saudi that wants to share his fortune and inheritance with me in exchange for my bank account number. Are they insulting my upbringing? Some Those e-mails even come with clickable virus. To top the list of the worst e-mails you can get by registering to a cuckoo website are the ones that come from a pharmaceutical company. Now what do they offer? Well...penile enlargement pills!
3. Free download-able programs that comes with toolbars and phishing tools - Next time you install Download Accelerator, Picasa, or whatever "free" web program it may be, download at your own risk. I should have known better than installing an application that can send text messages. Now I've got a search engine that instead of helping me enhance my web searches, it just leads me to  unpopular and stupid websites.
 4. Surveys! - They slow down my connection and they ask dumb questions. Hell no, I don't want to take a vacation in Galapagos island nor play the Alice in Wonderland game. Just let me watch my movies and download right away please.
 5.Dumb videos - I hope that will filter some of the useless videos that makes you believe you can watch a movie, or those funny videos of people trying hard to be famous. I hate it whenever I am trying to watch the original version or music video of my favorite song and here goes some dude belting his heart out and doing a song cover. Dude, join American Idol or Survivor if you want to be famous and stop flooding Youtube with your videos!

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