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Everyone, hear the cry
Of an angelic creature from sky.
A baby is now born
Squeeling oh so loudly.

Years later,
Such tiny mouth of his
Is now starting to speak
No more sweet and gullible squeek

And then when age evolves
Lips now start to talk
Feet can now walk
No more milk nor broth

Then, from a kid full of “why’s”
Words become lies
Hardheadedness transpires
Who do we blame now?

But when pimples start to sprout
The fellow starts to doubt
Attraction towards the opposite
Now makes his life complete

And when he reached the age
Where in money is tight
Career is the focus
Oh what a tiring sight!

Then he goes to marry
Someone who makes him happy
Kids, home and family
Focus is so many

The man, now hunching
Back is aching
Very old age, has nothing
What do we do?
Just leave him there, dying?

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