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10 students that you don't want to be in your class--ever!

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    Whether you admit it or not, it’s also fun being a student. For some, studying is a battlefield where grades serve as the symbol of defeat or victory while others just play it cool and enjoy their learning growth without much pressure. Amid the endless lessons, memorizations, recitations and projects, there are bondings and unforgettable experiences with classmates that make studying really fun. More often than not, the classroom is the most convenient place where friendships grow, and sometimes, even relationships too. No doubt, what make the classroom alive are the students that put color to the four corners of the room. These students have different characters and personalities that will always make learning worthwile. Who are these students? Let’s meet them.

10. The lightweights
Don’t expect them to be bringing their homework or memory of yesterday’s lesson. What they probably have in their pockets are just some loose coins or some unidentified bulging object. It’s a very big mystery where they keep their ballpens, papers and reviewers. Maybe, these students just love to be fashionable that’s why they don’t want to carry bags, heavy books, notebooks or anything of the close kind. So, where do they carry their brains?

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9. The clock lovers.
These people go to school just to monitor their watches and the clock every now and then. When their professors exceed for five minutes just to explain further the lesson, they go ballistic. Their reason is they have valuable time so teachers better not waste it. It is hard to reserve a good table in the billiards hall and computer shops if some students arrived earlier than them. It’s puzzling how these people have time for parties or any form of enjoyment but not for group project meetings and school works.

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8. Canteen creatures
You don’t need a formula to “figure” them out. They believe that if we have to feed our brains, so are our stomachs. Their favorite professors are those scheduled before 12 o’clock. However, if that certain professor loves overtime, don’t expect the Canteen creatures to like him. For them, It’s okay if the professors delay the lessons but never the time for lunch or munching because “eat” can be dangerous to their health. Note: pun intended. Everyone hopes that the Canteen creature’s main goal in going to school is not just for their baon and to feed their intestines but to feed the nerves of their brain as well.

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7. Those ashtrays
Don’t sit beside them in class lest you want to inhale the pollution emitted through their nostrils and mouth. These people have this weird desire to broadcast to the whole community how they can gulp down dozen cases of beer and puff kilometric-long sticks of cigarette. If you want to locate them, just go outside our school premises and you’ll surely see them flaunting to the public how they churn down their lungs. Be careful if you borrow a ballpen from them for they might mistake it as a cigarette stick.
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6. The powder room favorites
Most of the time, they belong to the female specie who loves to visit the powder rooms every available time that they can have. It is next to impossible not to find a powder, mirror, comb, make-up or any thing of the vanity kind in their bag. If they are in desperate need of a red ballpen, they can just use their lipstick as a substitute. However, if these people have brains jam-packed with knowledge, we can forgive them for their weird attitude of worshipping the mirror.

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5. The “Lovelorn”
They go to school for one reason - their lovelife. They’d rather miss a subject, recitation or classes just to see the person they adore. A sad truth is, there are some whose primal purpose in going to school is to flirt and look for preys to fall to their scheme. Certainly, it is a heavenly feeling to be in love but having all your priorities and focus to your lovelife is not really good. Those good looking professors who have Lovelorn students better be cautious.

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4. Dozers
It is always advisable to check out their uniforms for any sign of saliva stains. You are somehow lucky if you have a dozer seatmate because your surrounding can be so quiet unless ofcourse he/she snores while sleeping. During exams or tests, knock on their heads because their brains might be sleeping too. If you are also bored and sleepy during your class discussions, you can count the dozer’s yawn for a little bit of entertainment for you.
Dozer is the close cousin of Mr. Late-comer

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3. The bully
They love catfights, bickering, back fighting, gossiping, punching, hair-pulling and anything related to war. They love inflicting angst and pain to their fellow students to the point that it makes everyone wonder; is that the way they entertain themselves or they just need some guidance? Be careful around them. If you want to have a solid and clear reputation, don’t mess with them.
These students are the “best friend” of the prefect of discipline.

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2. Leech
“Hey, can I borrow your notes?”, “I forgot my ballpen too. Can I have yours?”, “Who has a piece of paper?” “Can I copy your assignment?” – these are their favorite lines. “Parasite” is what others call them. These people may not be aware that they are causing annoyance to anyone that they went near to. It’s amazing how these students can have money for purchasing cellphone load, make-ups and computer timecards but none for a piece of paper and cheap ballpen. The best insult to say to a leech is “Are you a student?”

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1. The Cheater
These creatures have necks as long as giraffes’, eyes as sharp as binoculars and magical handwriting. If their score is only seven, they can magically turn it into eleven. See how magical they are? These people are not aware that when cheating their teachers, they are only cheating themselves. In the end, they’ll realize that they may have cheated everybody but the knowledge that they are supposed to be learning is cheated out of them.

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