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One night in V.I.P room (A true story)

Estafa, theft and booty calls all in the same rowdy night

(Note: Names are changed for security purposes)

It was one of those nights wherein I regret my sense of adventure. I should have just cuddled in my bed while listening to the droplets of rain pouring in the room.
August 23 – It was already 12:30 in the morning; the sky is dark and wet due to the rainy season. As I was about to close my eyes, give in to consciousness and just sleep, I received this unexpected call from King; a guy to be precise. It wasn’t much of him to be frivolous to give a prank call in the middle of the night. Knowing his introvert and shy-type personality, I figured he was into something. Bill, King’s brother went to my house and sent a message to King, asking him what his problem is.
Along came King’s reply, “D*mn, we’ve been fraud! Dexter lost his cellphone and we’re being charged with Php. 1,700. The manager won’t let us go home unless we pay the amount before 1 am and if we are not able to do that, we’ll be send to jail! Please help us! We’re in N. club. ”

With panic enveloping me, I told Bill that we should hurry out and go to N. club. I was wearing my little shorts and flimsy shirt for sleeping and I didn’t even bother to change. It was already 12:40 in the morning. Time is running out. If we won’t hurry to N. club within 20 minutes, King and Dexter’s future will be doomed. Bill and I woke up their mother just to be faced with another problem – we don’t have enough money even just to fill our vehicle with gasoline. We did the next best and basically the last thing to do. We woke up another person just to help us reach our target destination for the least time as possible. Since everyone is already asleep, we managed to arrive before the moment of judgment comes, with matching late-night hazard and drunken men on the way. And then came the real test…

N club: Live Entertainment and KTV bar is what’s upfront but inside is another story. Outside, I saw posters of girls clad in bikinis and wearing almost nothing. In fact, the poster said some of the girls appeared in porno movies and FHM magazine. I realized that this club or bar is not what it seems to be. The guard won’t let us in which is very expectable for we look like teenagers lost in the deep night. After confessing to the guard what our real purpose is, there’s this middle aged boastful guy at the entrance who keep on rumbling his single motorcycle’s engine just to get everybody’s attention. He is such a noise pollution! I felt that I cannot complain for he might have a gun or anything deadly. I decided to just keep my mouth shut and cover my ears. The smoke emanated by his motor almost choked my asthmatic lungs to death. Good thing we were lead inside. I felt it was safer inside that club but then I forgot one thing: I am wearing tiny shorts and thin shirt, someone could have mistaken me as one of the Showgirls, G.R.O or Girls Rented Overnight. But then again, we shouldn’t judge those women just because they have a stereotyped job. There are about dozens of them, clad in skimpy clothes, cigarette and beer in hand. Bill, somewhat looking like twenty’s was ogled by the G.R.O’s while I was ignored apparently because I am a female. They thought he was up for a good time. Some of them even approached him with a seductive smile and said “Yes Sir, ano po ang gusto niyo?” One of them even exposed to him her breasts

Even if I see those occurrences on tv, it’s very different when reality hits you with what you missed on the 2-dimensional idiot box. In the real world, it’s a very different story. The kind that movies and tv can’t show well to the audience. Bill and I hurried to the upper story where the guard told us where King and Dexter is seated. There they are, heads down. Dexter spoke “We’ve been fraud. One guy whom we thought is a friend of King’s borrowed my phone because his own phone is battery drained. He made us order lots of foods and intoxicated us. Kind and I slept but when we woke up, my phone is gone and now we are forced to pay for the 2,000 worth of food bills”

The floor manager of the said club didn’t allow us to leave unless we pay the costs. If we didn’t pay, we’ll be jailed and our municipal records will be stained. I almost want to vanish from the scene when I actually witnessed Dexter sort of seducing the gay floor manager for him to allow us to leave. Eventually, one of their most prized possession which is the mobile phone of Bill has to be left in the club, to assure the floor manager that we will come back after several days and pay our dues. The entire amount lost is a big burden. It took King 3 weeks to finally pay for all of it.

As we are about to leave the club, the shock was still seeping through my veins. The adventurous side of me decided to check out the v.i.p rooms. I learned that some V.i.p rooms are assigned with colors, depending on the amount, size or whatever parameters they set. My imagination traveled so fast. I tiptoed and took a sneak peak in the v.i.p rooms. I was absolutely shocked when I witnessed an act that I shouldn’t have seen inside those rooms which I thought was empty. I was almost sent out by the security guards! For the second time, I blamed my sense of adventure. Seeing it utterly shocked me! 

When I cast my last glance on that place, I saw the common sad look in the eyes of the g.r.o’s. Unbelievable as it may seem, the glint of hope and being proud is flowing in their aura. They know what they are doing and they don’t seem to be ashamed of it. We are living in a country where prostitution is a taboo but practiced by some. This may seem impossible but some countries legalized prostitution.

Life is tough. Life can be unfair but who are they to blame? God gave us the ultimate free will for us to make our own choices. Those choices determine how our life is going to be. In those girls’ case, their life is filled with the beat of the night clubs, on and off lights, booty calls, make-ups, stereotyping of the people and misjudgments. And if misjudging them is the only thing we can do, shouldn’t we ask first ourselves what are the reasons and no-reasons behind brought them into their field? Who or what are they to blame; the government, poverty, problems, lack of enough education?

As for the theft guy or shall we call him thief, his actions brought him into being called as such. Our life is determined by our own choices. Our choices become the bases of other people’s opinions and misjudgments so we might as well be very careful in making it.

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