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Inside a Trashcan's perspective

This is my journey, something not much of a beauty.
Reeks of putrid stuffs in here smell so badly.
Some mean kids love to kick me
and most of the time nobody takes good care of me

One girl threw in her soft drink can
Thinking she must have helped nature, she just ran
If only she will recycle what she is holding,
she might even start earning

That big guy that smell like smoke,
dumped his cigarette remains here so I almost choke.
The woman next to him is carrying baby diapers.
Oh no! Not that one please, somebody help me disperse!

This dirty city's famous taxi driver
spit his deadly phlegm on me, what a massacre!
One homeless dog went near me and spread his feet
That musty liquid is worse than a man's spit

Rotten vegetables that can be used as fertilizer
Was thrown by a woman in here, I wish I can tell her
Various unnamable junks are inside me
Some are dirty but most can be reused, I wish they'll see

If only you people will learn to segregrate
Recycle junks and learn to separate,
follow the colors and don't wait for trashes to disintegrate
Then this world would be lovelier, isn't it great?

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